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About Us

At Coral Edge Adventures it is our goal and honor to help each and every diver. Whether you are a new diver, tech diver, or an experienced diver we will strive to assist you in any way we can. Coral Edge Adventures LLC opened because we had a passion and dream to bring the joy of diving to our community. We also wanted to bring about a sport that can be enjoyed individually, with entire families as well as groups of friends. It is our privilege to start you out on a lifelong adventure that will take you to places only dreamed of.   At Coral Edge Adventures, our focus is on providing fun, safe, and affordable SCUBA training, dive equipment services, retail inventory, and dive travel adventures that will be reflected upon the rest of your life!

We are here to provide the dive community with a large and diverse array of dive equipment, and services for that equipment. We strive to provide the consumer with the most complete and accurate knowledge about the gear they purchase.

On a more personal note, Coral Edge Adventures was started to feed our passion for SCUBA diving, and teaching SCUBA. We are committed to protecting the world's ocean ecosystems, and aquatic life.

Coral Edge Adventures staff are certified in the following agencies:


